Project DM

E-Book Design

The ask: To design a 29 page e-book the company could use to further engage prospective clients. It needed to be a on-brand visual aid to provide a picture to the types of services DM was offering and how they could be of value to convert clients in their sales process. The styles created in the e-book (typographic and visual accents, some created in illustrator by myself) were used to create visual consistency through other branded content.

Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Canva

Rachel is a very talented designer who understands the importance of brand building in business. She is a strategic thinker who executes design elements flawlessly. Whether you are building a brand from scratch or need an extra set of hands in your marketing department, Rachel is the ideal person to help you take your brand to the next level.
– Jennifer Aplin | CEO and Co-Founder at Digital Magenta Inc.

Case Study

Designed the case study based on the established styles created in the e-book and various social media content pieces. This was a template designed to have the content changed for each client.

“Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that’s creative.”
― Charles mingus

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